
In accordance with the laws of Ministry of Education, Qatar, schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged from 5 to 16 years unless an exemption has been granted.

Parents/guardians must enroll a child (of compulsory school age) at a registered school having legal obligation to ensure the child attends school at all times when the school is open for instructions.

Students will attend school, during normal school hours every day of each term, unless:

  • There is an approved exemption from school attendance or attendance and enrolment for the students, or
  • The student is registered for home schooling and has only a partial enrolment in a school for particular activities.

The principal or vice principal may authorize an exemption and provide written approval for student attendance or attendance and enrolment to be exempted or reduced to less than full time.

For absence, where there is no exemption in place, the parent/guardian must provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. The school will determine if the explanation provided is a reasonable excuse for the purpose of the parent meeting their responsibilities under the laws of MOE.


  • To maximize attendance and participation of all students at PSS.
  • To provide students and their families at risk of poor attendance with timely, targeted support.


  • The school will maintain an attendance register of students and record in it each students’ attendance at least once a day as well as reason (given or apparent) for a students’ absence.
  • Absence notes- either written by the parents or as reported by a parent/guardian and written by a member of staff will be collected and kept by the school.
  • Where possible parents should inform the school in advance of upcoming absence or phone the school on the day of the absence.
  • PSS employs an attendance officer to follow up on unexplained absences.
  • If a parent does not contact the school to provide an explanation on the day of the student absence the school attendance officer will attempt to contact the parent/guardian within three days of the absence. If an explanation is received, the accurate cause of absence will be recorded.
  • If contact cannot be made with the parent/guardian, emergency contacts may be called to determine a child’s whereabouts.
  • Should no contact be made the school will mail the student’s absence report seeking explanation. Parents will be informed that they may be issued with a school attendance notice with fine as per school rules.


PSS will promote high level of student attendance and participation through the use of the following strategies.

  • Articulating high expectations of attendance to all members of the school community.
  • Creating safe, supportive learning environments where all students experience success through active participation and engagement in purposeful learning.
  • Adoption of consistent, rigorous procedures to monitor and record student absences.
  • Implement data driven attendance strategies.
  • Provision of early identification and supportive intervention for students at risk of poor attendance.
  • Link with local community groups and support agencies to maximize program and individual support.
  • Access specialist support for individual students with identified behavioral, health or social issues.
  • Provide a tagged response to non-attendance.
  • Support students to return to school after absences.


  • School attendance data will be regularly monitored and analyzed to identify student absence patterns on a school, year level and individual basis.
  • Any student/family identified as being at risk of poor attendance will be provided with timely, targeted support to improve attendance and address underlying issues.
  • In the first instance a meeting will be convened with the student’s parents/guardians to develop attendance improvement strategies to support the student and family.
  • If it becomes apparent that a student may require ongoing intensive support and attendance student support group will be convened to develop an attendance improvement plan or a return to school plan and if deemed necessary an individual education plan. In addition referrals may be made to school or community based wellbeing professionals.
  • Student absence learning plans will be implemented to support the education of students who will be absent from school for an extended period. Plans will be developed collaboratively with teachers, students and their parents for students:
  • Who are planning extended absence from school e.g., family holiday.
  • Suspended for more than three days.
  • Subject to an expulsion appeal process.


  • Regular monitoring of attendance data at individual, class or school level.
  • Attendance officer report.